Posted on: July 15, 2019


This is a simple REST API I made with PHP and React. The API tries to be a microservice for user management. Users can do CRUD operations: register, login, update their account information, and delete their account using the API. This API could for example be used for authenticating users for other applications. The database is mocked with a simple JSON file.

The main purpose of this project was to recap PHP skills, and trying out developing APIs focused on a single part of a web application. I also wanted to to practice combining APIs with front end applications. The biggest challenges were development of the API and communication between the API and the front end.

This project required a lot of new skills and theory that i had to learn about. For example planning and making microservices and combining microservice like APIs with a front end applications. I also decided to make both the API and the front end run in different servers, so communications between servers was also another hurdle I had to jump over.