Advent Of Code 2020

Posted on: December 27, 2020

I wanted to try out my skills at rapid problem solving and adaptation to new programming languages. I decided to do Advent Of Code with a new language everyday. I picked out 25 different languages, for 25 days of the challenge and got to work. I want to also note that this was my first year of doing Advent Of Code.

The hardest parts for this project were days with functional programming languages and C. I haven't touched functional languages that much before and I was not at all comfortable with the paradigm. As for C, doing a quick one day project without knowing the language was really tough. There is little built in tools, and the pointers proved to be the biggest hurdle for me.

The challenges themselves were sometimes quite tough too, but finding the correct algorithm or gimmick lead to finding the answer. Then it was all about implementing that solution in which ever language was set for that day.

I found this project to be super fun and rewarding in the end. I got to try out a lot of new languages and have some projects cooking up with some of the new skills and interests I gathered during this project. I think i have found a lot more confidence to try new stuff and also solidified some programming concepts during this ordeal. I got to experience first hand that programming concepts really do carry over from language to language, but paradigms are a different beast.

Full list of languages I used:

  1. C
  2. Rust
  3. Java
  4. Go
  5. Ruby
  6. Elixir
  7. C#
  8. Haskell
  9. Kotlin
  10. C++
  11. Clojure
  12. OCaml
  13. bash
  14. Python
  15. Lua
  16. Raku
  17. TypeScript
  18. Elisp
  19. Julia
  20. Nim
  21. Scala
  22. PHP
  23. Dart
  24. F#
  25. ReasonML

The Advent Of Code website can be found here.