I am Larqqa

I am enthusiastic about software development and eager to learn more about it. On this blogfolio, you can find some blog posts about things I have found interesting, hard to find, or generally helpful, that I want to share with the community. You can also find some of my projects that I am eager to share.

I currently work as a software developer at Solita. I'm working within a team supporting a Optimizely CMS based stack of websites where we use .NET and Vue.

A little about me

I live in southern Finland, where the average length of day during summer is about 19 hours and in winter about 6 hours. The average temperatures range from 30C in summer to -30C in winter.

I have been interested in programming since 2015, when I studied at the Lahti University Of Applied Sciences. During my studies, I was introduced to C# and PHP. I did my internship working with Wordpress websites and fell in love with web development. I started pursuing a career in web development in 2019. Full Stack Open 2019 was the true starting point for my career and it has been a great catalyst and introduction to fullstack development. I have since worked at two companies. My first job was with maintaining Wordpress websites. I've since moved on to become a software consultant. I especially like working with the front end side of web development, as I like making visually interesting, functional and appealing websites. I am constantly learning more about back end development and working on expanding my programming language catalogue as a whole.

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